I was worried about the Ishitsuki bonsai of choujubai I made the other day, since I put too much Keto-tsuchi (peat) on the roots. It may prevents the roots breathe. Therefore I decided to reduce the amount of Keto-tsuchi, though it is not good for choujubai because the roots are not stable, yet.

Current situation
Last time I did below;
From here…
I put more Keto-tsuchi on the root.
Like this.
Same as on the other side…
I put more Keto-tsuchi.
I covered it by sphagnum moss around and put it in the soil. However Iwas worried about that the roots may not be able to breathe because of too much amount of the Keto-tsuchi. So I removed Keto-tsuchi on the surface of the roots.
Remove Keto-tsuchi
This is current situation. It is growing fine so far.
Removed the sphagnum moss and reduced the soil around the stone.
Maybe because the roots are not stable yet, I could pick it up easily.
Removed raffia and sphagnum moss around the stone.
Keto-tsuchi is there stably.
I removed the Keto-tsuchi on the roots by used tooth brush. As keeping the roots wet, I scraped off the Keto-tsuchi. Slowly and softly…
Finished. Roots are visible, but still there’s Keto-tsuchi between the roots and stone.
This is the other side. I exposed the root like this.
In the crack of the stone I put a little amount of the soil. This is for keeping the roots wet, but perhaps it is not necessary.
Cover everything by sphagnum moss
Same as last time, put well-wet sphagnum moss and make it stable by raffia.
Put wet sphagnum moss along the roots.
I covered the other side widely for keeping the thinner roots wet.
Fix the moss by raffia. I used less amount of sphagnum moss, less raffia as well. I exposed more roots at the top of the stone.
Replant it. I used thin wooden (banboo) stick in order to put soil among the roots so that there’s no space between the roots and soil.
This is, by the way, the root I planted together for Nebuse style bonsai. No change so far. I covered it by wet sphagnum moss and keep it wet.
Put the moss back again and… done!
You see more roots are exposed this time?
There’s a space between the roots and stone. Later when the roots get fatter, the roots will stick to the stone and looks much better, but I’m not sure how long it takes. Maybe years??