Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Tried Sashiki of Choujubai

Around 2 weeks ago I tried "Sashiki" of choujubai, since choujubai is growing too much freely. This is my record of how to do sashiki of choujubai.Stu...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Relpanting cutting of Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Some of the cuttings of choujubai which I cut and sticked in the soil last year (spring in 2017) have leaves now and some of them have their stem gett...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Retry – Ishitsuki bonsai of Choujubai

I was worried about the Ishitsuki bonsai of choujubai I made the other day, since I put too much Keto-tsuchi (peat) on the roots. It may prevents the ...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

How to make “Ishitsuki” bonsai of choujubai (self-taught, but not difficult)

I'll try to make "Ishitsuki" style bonsai of choujubai, using "Hikobae", which I cut off when I replanted parent tree of choujubai. I've wanted to try...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Replanting choujubai and cut off “Hikobae”

I didn't touch this choujubai for months and it is growing well. It is time to replant it to reduce its roots. In this occasion I cut off the "Hikobae...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Choujubai is growing steadily and…

I didn't touch this Choujubai since I'm growing it as a 'material'. Looks not good, but it is growing steadily.This photo is as of Feb. 24th. New buds...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Checked layered Choujubai

I checked the situation of the Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica), which I tried layering last March.It looks like this;I don't see anything like roots....
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Wiring hikobae of Choujubai

The choujubai, I did "toriki" last year (but left without care..) has "Hikobae" at good position. So I decided to wire to "Hikobae".See below glossary...
Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Layering choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica)

Choujubai (Chaenomeles japonica) - It is growing very well but I don't like the shape... so I decided to try layering. Today's target is... this one!I...